Dr. Raj Kanna is a consultant Orthopaedic and Knee surgeon, who have made a mark in the field of Orthopedics with his success stories.

keyhole surgery for acl tear

Keyhole surgery of the knee ACL injuries

Posted On 30/12/17

The knee is a very important joint in your body. If you tear the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in your knee, you might need a reconstructive surgery of your knee. The ACL is a tough band of tissue joining the thigh bone to the shin bone at the knee joint. It provides the knee the stability and runs diagonally inside the knee. It helps to control the back-and-forth movement of the leg.


Causes of ACL Injuries

ACL Injury can occur due to:

  • Landing incorrectly from a jump
  • Stopping suddenly
  • Changing direction suddenly
  • Having collision

If this ACL is torn completely your knee may become very unstable and lose its full range of movement.

Treatments for ACL Injuries

Arthroscopy: an arthroscopy is a type of keyhole surgery. It employs a medical instrument called arthroscope, which is thin, bendable tube with bundles of fiber-optic cables inside it. Also, it has a light source and the camera attached to it. The surgeon makes a small incision on the front of the knee and inserts an arthroscope. This will illuminate the knee joint and will transmit the image of the knee to a television monitor. This makes the surgeon to see inside of your knee clearly. Also through the incision, other medical instrument can be inserted. The surgeon will use these instruments to remove the torn ligament and reconstruct the ACL.


The graft tissue will be placed in the same position as the old ACL and held in right place with screws or staples that will permanently remain in your knee. After the grafting has been secured, your surgeon will test using enough tension in it, to see that the knees work properly. They will also check that knees have full range of motion and the graft inside the knees is capable enough to keep your knee stable when it is bent or moved.

After the satisfaction of the surgeon that everything is working as it should, they will close the incision and will apply a suitable dressing over it. After the finishing of the procedure, you will be removed from the operation theater and moved to the hospital ward to begin your recovery.

Dr. Kanna’s Knee & Ortho Clinic is headed by Dr. Raj Kanna. He is the best known orthopedic and knee surgeon in Chennai. He is one of the top surgeons in Asia, who can perform Computer assisted knee surgeries.

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