Dr. Raj Kanna is a consultant Orthopaedic and Knee surgeon, who have made a mark in the field of Orthopedics with his success stories.
The most effective treatment for the ACL tear is the ACL Reconstruction Surgery, where the ACL is reconstructed by replacing the damaged ligament using the tissues around your knee joint, helping to restore the knee’s function after an injury. This replacement tissue is called the Graft.
The keyhole or Arthroscopic surgery is a more preferred option for this surgery for the following advantages:
The placing and positioning of the graft is the key factor for proper functioning of the knee and the restoration of the physiologic kinematics of the knee joint in ACL reconstruction. There are various techniques in practice for the Graft placement and positioning. The Trans-Portal technique, when compared to the Trans-Tibial technique, helps to place the graft in a more anatomical position.
The surgeon will remove the damaged ligament and then replace it with a segment of the tendon (Hamstring graft), which is a tissue similar to the ligament that connects muscle to the bone.
After the surgery, patient will have a rehabilitative therapy. A successful ACL reconstruction surgery along with rehabilitation can help restore the knee’s stability and function and the patient can get back to their regular activities.
Types of Grafts
The different sources of tendons that are used as Grafts for reconstructing the damaged ACL are:
The Hamstring Tendon is the more preferable graft source for the reconstruction surgery, for the following reasons which reduce the risk of re-injury:
The grafting of Bone-Patellar tendon can cause the following problems:
These are implants used in this procedure which will dissolve itself into the body tissues. Some of the advantages that these implants provide are:
For further more details, contact Dr.Raj Kanna has a best experience in ACL reconstruction surgery of affordable cost in Chennai.